Welcome to Deane Street Studio
in South Burlington
Welcome to Deane Street Studio! We offer art classes, workshops, and camps in a small setting for those who love to create. Classes are lead by Lorien Leyden, a local artist educator who loves teaching art to students of all levels of experience and any age!
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"This is a super fun class, filled with new ideas and ways of looking at things. I loved Lorien's positivity and light-hearted approach. I would take any class she offered." - Linda
"Deane Street Studio is a lovely space to get creative! Everything I needed for block printing was made available, as well as tip and tricks on everything from technique to clean up. I’d highly recommend it." - Kate
"I loved attending the art workshops at Deane Street Studio. It is a beautifully decorated studio that is inviting and very well organized. Lorien made everyone feel welcome and comfortable trying new techniques and experimenting with new tools and materials. She provided clear instruction and motivating feedback. I looked forward to attending every class." -Zalfa
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Questions before signing up? Contact: loriengraceart@gmail.com